Choose Joy

Choose Joy
By: Nathan Flores

Joy has always been something I’ve struggled about. It's always felt temporary; go a few weeks happy, then back to a dark tunnel. Just a routine. But here lately, God has shown me what true Joy is.
Here's something I’ve always misunderstood: having joy and being happy are two completely different things.
Being happy is a feeling/emotion. Being happy comes from a cause. We are happy when we win something. We are happy when everything is going really well. But being happy is temporary.
Having joy is something you possess. Having joy is when you can smile when a tragedy happens. Having joy is when you rejoice through a heartache because you know God still has your back. Joy is yours. No one can take it away from you.
God gave us joy and when God gives us something no one can take it from us. No situation can take it away. Scripture says in Psalms 16:11 that He will fill us with joy. No matter what life throws at us, we are filled with joy.
Happiness comes from man but true genuine joy from Christ. He has given me a joy that is mine to have and walk in it.

Pray with me today!
Father, I thank you for a genuine joy. I know whenever life throws curveballs, I can still have joy because you’ve made me victorious! No matter what, I have joy because you’re on my side. No one can take what you’ve given me. Father I thank you for everything you’ve done for me! I pray that anytime I start to forget, you remind me that I’m victorious and because of that I can have joy!
In Jesus Name, Amen

Have a JOY filled day!
Nathan Flores

1 Comment

Michele Isbell - April 29th, 2022 at 1:44pm

Great word!! JOY!!