Expect The Glory!

Weekly Faith Fuel -- Expect the Glory!
2 Corinthians 3:9 KJV "For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory." 
We as Christians are all ministers. Even if you are not in the fivefold ministry, you are still a minister. By the way we live our lives, we minister the Word, we minister God's love, we minister Him. And one thing that these all have in common is the glory of God. God's glory is a wonderful subject that is a bit much for one blog post, but I’ll give you a little snippet.
When we minister anything that is of God (like the things mentioned above), His glory comes along with it. God's glory is His very presence. It brings anointing, power, boldness, healing, miracles, and comfort. The Bible speaks of some instances of God's glory being so physically bright that people could not look at it (see the instance with Moses). It is spiritually heavy, but not in a scary, condemning way. It is almost palpable, like a thickness you can feel in the air. But instead of tension, it is radiant holiness, a pure love and absolute wonder that is warm and gentle. It is what we should strive after every day!
Here is the point i want you to receive today: our ministry is one of righteousness, and when we as Christians minister to others (when it is Biblically sound and done by God’s standards), it carries His glory. We as ministers should EXPECT that glory! When you minister, don't shy away from being bold and expecting God to come through. Expect God to show his glory when you minister. It isn't complicated; "ministry" can simply be the way you live your daily life. It doesn't have to be dramatic. I want to encourage you this week, when you talk to others, when you serve at church, even when you simply hold to your convictions as a Christian, the glory will be there with you.
Make this confession: "I carry the glory of God wherever I go! When I minister, people experience that glory and change happens!" 
Bless you, and have a great week! 
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